Sunday 15 June 2014

SG COZY BOOTH - Strand Mall Kota Damansara

Salam n hye..
Pd mggu lepas Sg Cozy telah pun mbuka booth di Strand Mall Kota Damansara..
Alhamdulillah semuanya dpt direalisasikan dgn lancar..
sedikit suasana semasa hari tersebut..

ok ade yg salah fhm yg booth Sg Cozy bkn dibuka setiap hari..Ia hanya dibuka pd hari tersebut shj sempena event Bazaar Bayahista..
InsyaAllah jika ada rezeki sy akn cuba buka lg supaya sesiapa yg masih xsmpat utk dtg pd hari tsebut bpeluang utk dtg n lihat sendiri produk Sg Cozy di masa akn dtg..
ok jmpa lg salam :)


  1. Can you put on your blog earlier to announce if you are going to set up a booth again at Strand Mall ? It will be very helpful to find out earlier so we can visit your stall. When is the next time you are opening there again ? Thank you.

  2. Camana nak masuk booth kat situ sis,email saya ye
